Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Blog Journal #2

         Good afternoon, I have had a good amount of experience with Microsoft Word (MS Word) throughout my school life, especially during high school and now in college. In school, I mainly used MS word for essays or when I was younger, I used it to type up whatever notes I needed or for group projects. At FSU I mainly use MS Word for assignments for classes like essay questions or when I need to submit a paper. I do not have another preference for word processing software besides MS Word. Since I grew up using MS Word and have used it longer than any other software, I feel more comfortable utilizing MS Word for whatever I need compared to other softwares like Google Docs despite them being easier or better for completing schoolwork. 

    The most meaningful standard to me is the 2.5 Designer standard. I think for most educators, being adaptable and making sure to teach in a way where every student feels included and can learn is important. Not every student learns the same so I think the designer standard emphasizes how educators should implement technology into the classroom in different ways and perhaps even step away from technology at times during lessons. Also, I think making classwork and activities interactive with technology can improve the efficiency of teaching lessons and make the information transferred to the students in a way where it is fun and engaging.

    I agree with the label digital native because there is a difference between people who grew up with technology. To be a digital native means that someone is experienced in technology and knowledgeable about it where it seems natural to them because either they grew up with technology or have just been well versed in electronics. However, the assumptions about digital natives and immigrants are too generalized and there are exceptions to the concept of digital natives and immigrants. I have seen differences between how I use technology as a digital native versus digital immigrants like my teachers. For example, there have been moments where the teacher is having technical difficulties that seem like a simple fix to me or my classmates but the teacher has trouble figuring out how to fix their technological issues. Also while in school, some of my teachers have tried implementing new ways to do assignments through a new website or software but do not know enough about the new technology that trying to incorporate it into lessons is difficult and the students eventually end up teaching the teacher how the software works. These experiences have made me lose focus while in class and then become frustrated with the new technology because my teacher did not set it up properly or we are just both clueless about how to work the technology. I think when I become a teacher there will be a difference between what I know about technology and what my students will know. I like to think that I know a decent amount of how to work electronics, but as technology is constantly changing, I think in the future I will use it differently than my students. 

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Blog Journal #9

      I experienced distance learning throughout this year and during my junior year of high school. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, half of m...